May 19

Weighting Around

In class we have been learning how to heft. Hefting is where you develop on your estimating.  Hefting is where you put an object in your hand and guess what the weight is. I thought a soccer ball was 1.5kilos but it was actually only 427grams.  When we were weighing all the objects we could see how far away we were or how close we were. And in this activity I learned how to get closer on my estimating.

May 17

Cinquian Poem

In Class we have been learning about cinquain poems. Cinquain poems are where there are 5 lines. The first line needs 2 syllables, the second line needs 4 syllables, the third line needs 6, the 4th line needs 8 and the last one needs 2.

My cinquain poem is called Jet Boat.

Get set

Spin time- hold on

Power surge ,we’re thrown back

Getting thrown around while people scream
